Monday, January 26, 2015

The best Yoga teachers are also students

Photo: Yin yoga workshop one week, Jivamukti yoga the next- I love taking all these workshops...wonder how they will be incorporated in my classes...
Find out for yourself. Be part of some of my classes at Hampshire Hills.  Here is the schedule for this week. 

Tuesday:  10am Pilates
Wednesday:  9am Kripalu Yoga;  5:30pm Vinyasa Flow;  6:30pm Bodyflow 
Friday:  9am Power Yoga
Saturday:  9am Kripalu Yoga

I offer one on one at Hampshire Hills and my hOMe studio. Message me if interested. 

Peace in, peace out.
Paula Van Alstine Yogini,certified Kripalu
She is a mentor and friend to many.

In life, we never stop learning.

I do consider myself a good Yoga teacher, and I feel this way becasue I am able to keep being a student.

Brand new students in my Yoga classes teach me new perspectives and new ideas all the time, and I am grateful to them as I am grateful to the excellent teachers who trained me.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ahimsa-How to define it for yourself

Yogi Vincent Gerbino

The Yogic principle of Ahimsa says do no harm to others or to the self. Loosely translated, it means, no killing, no torture and no abuse. It also is the premise for why many Yogis refrain from eating animal products, and prompts the asking of the question: must Yogis go vegan? The results of this controversial question remain mixed, and the only certainty on this issue is uncertainty.
Yogini Sarah Lowenstein
Yogi and yoga teacher Sarah Lowenstein of Denver, CO considers it her obligation. She is an outspoken advocate for animal rights and emphasizes compassion between all beings in her teachings
“I became a vegetarian (or Pescatarian) at the age of 5 after my grandfather made the connection for me between the cow and the burger I was eating. 

Shanti Om!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Easy Restorative Yoga for Every Body..............

Restorative Yoga is good for everyone, and good on lazy days too!
Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose or "Viparita Karani"
This easy pose called Vaparita Karani does an incredible job to help restore your energy levels as well as help balance out your different energies to reduce stress.

Restorative yoga focuses on getting into relatively easy poses and staying there to chill. Focus less on looking perfect and keep your attention on what you can do to feel more relaxed in the position.

What can you release, or move just a tiny bit to make the pisotion more relaxing and nourishing?

Try it and you'll soon be able to find more than one right answer!

CLICK HERE for full article by this author on Yoga.Org.NZ

Many Blessings...Namaste

Friday, January 9, 2015

Why Yoga Is Liked By Superstar Runners......

Running barefoot opens a whole new world.

Barefoot fitness's oldest surviving discipline is Yoga.

You will quickly find that barefoot running and Yoga are inherently connected.

Coach Michael Sandler

The world's most-famous barefoot runner and barefoot running coach agrees-so does the president of the Runbare Company.

Runbare president Jessica Lee
That's why they asked me to write this.........

"Stretch before a big workout. It’s the oldest advice in the athletic world. So it shouldn’t be a secret that the science of Yoga, an ancient discipline that’s all about stretching would have a connection with running. But why?
"It’s true that running is the only traditional sport in today’s world that rivals Yoga in terms of age. Competitive running is as old as the Olympics, which date back to pre-700 BC.

Yoga as we know it today has been practiced for just as long. To find the connection, we have to ask a question: Just how did people run back in the days of ancient Greece, where competitive running was born?
The answer: They ran barefoot...."