Friday, March 10, 2017

Living Your Yoga-a must read for every Yogi

I recently started re-reading my beat-up old copy of Living Your Yoga by Judith Hanson Lasater.

I read it when I first started practicing Yoga 16 years ago and I've since often carried it in my bag over my 11 years as a Yoga teacher.

Living Your Yoga is an awesome companion to have on your journey into your Yoga practice. It relates to normal life-the life we live where we work, where we live-where we live for real.

Anyone can get an amazing experience from some dazzling, far-away Yoga retreat-don't get me wrong, if I can go to Costa Rica or India for a three-week Yoga retreat, I'm there. But the quintessential Yoga practice is one that you live wherever you are,and that's what this book helps you to do, and do it well.

I gain nothing financially from promoting this publication; it's simply that good for any and every Yoga student.

Shanti Om!
