Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Will the real man please forward-onto the Yoga mat?

There are men who do practice Yoga, but why more don't is still an oddity.

It is true that the Yoga environment does provide women with a place where they can excel, but nowadays, women are excelling in nearly every environment-we'd like to see more women have those chances, and feel confident enough to take them-so why don't more men try to excel in this realm of Yoga?

A couple of articles in the Huffington Post tried to tackle the question last fall. There are a lot of variables.
As a Yoga teacher, I ponder the question daily. I have a number of dedicated male students and a few new ones have come of late.

Before I proceed to answer the "man question" I will say that I commend the strong interest in Yoga expressed by women, and that I am pleased to be able to contribute to the positive empowerment of women by being a Yoga teacher.

Why don't more men do Yoga?  

You'll see popular answers based on recent publications, and my answers as well.

  • Some men may be turned off by the idea that Yoga is "touchy/feely" and too new-age hippie-ish.

Front Cover
My answer: most Yoga classes will include some short meditations and some spiritual references, but the focus is more basic. Consider that classes taught at gyms and urban studios have to appeal to the general public. I've found that many devoted students do think that chanting and related parts of Yoga are rather odd.

  • Men are intimidated by good looking women in tight pants
OK, this probably has some truth to it. But wouldn't it be just as intimidating to go play recreational hockey where, say, two or three of the guys used to play semi-pro or college hockey at the Division One level? Sure, it would be, but what guy who plays hockey would say no?  They'd either be all-too-happy to have the opportunity, or too afraid to be seen as cowardly. Maybe women who want their men to join them should taunt them with traditional male tactics of taunting....hmm......I'm not encouraging anything of the sort.....

  • Yoga is too wimpy
I've encountered women who thought this as well. They had a different opinion after they finished their first class. So will any guy who is man enough to show up!

Men could consider the book Real Men Do Yoga-it's been out for 11 years. I've not yet read it myself, but it continued to get good reviews. Author John Capouya shows the Yoga routines of pro athletes who've benefited from a bit of breath and contortion. 

Plenty of male pro athletes do Yoga.  

Former NHL phenomenon Tim Thomas-goalie for the Boston Bruins when they won the Stanley Cup in 2011, credits Yoga for his success. OK, maybe Montrealers are sneering, but that's a hockey thing-and I doubt I'm getting smiles from the Vancouver hockey community.  But let's face it-the man was a stone wall. He stopped almost everything, and the Bruins had the lowest goals allowed numbers in the league-that statistic was what set the Bruins apart from other top teams-and the NHL was extremely competitive that year.

Nate Burleson of the Detroit Lions-who are incidentally, back from the dead was man enough to go to Yoga class, and gave CBS news a headline last November that Yoga isn't just for girls.

Want more info on male athletes doing Yoga, check out Men's Health magazine for a list.


Shanti Om!

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