Friday, July 17, 2015

Golfer's Yoga-Improve your long and short game with this short sequence

Yoga and Golf have more in common than you think!

As a golfer and a veteran yoga teacher, I can attest, tried and true.

Click link below for yoga sequence-and NO, there is nothing I'm trying to sell you!

Golf weather in Denver this weekend looks good!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

"If you can breathe, you can do Yoga". -Beth Shaw.         

Never think you can't do Yoga because you're not flexible or athletic.           Yoga can be started at any age by anyone.         "Success" in yoga isn't defined by how cool you look each pose.                     A sincere approach to Yoga is all it takes. The pretty poses will come in time.  

The quote above comes from Beth Shaw, a true Yogini and female entrepreneur extraordinaire. She's the founder of of YogaFit, the world's largest Yoga school. 

So try Yoga if you haven't; keep doing it if you do. If you're in North Metro Denver, try my classes.
e-mail me for more information!

Shanti Om!