Friday, February 7, 2014

Yoga Empowers Women-a perspective

Paula Van Alstine's photo.
Yogini Paula Van Alstine in Eka Pada Sirsasana.   Photo by Liesl Clark of Claris Photography

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."
- T.S. Eliot

Thank you for stopping by to read!

Paula had more to say just before her recent photo op that includes this picture.

A powerful woman is many things, and Paula reminds all of us that true power is defined as the freedom from the need for power. 

Paula Van Alstine is a feminist and a woman who is in charge of her own life, with a meaningful career and two children she is raising as a single mom.  She manages a successful career in Yoga and is an inspiration to many.

Paula has seen a lot of reality and knows what she's talking about. She tells us this:

Want to feel more powerful? Practice kindness and
forgiveness. According to some wonderfully wise Sages
when you practice Ahimsa (non-harming) you become kind,
confident, grounded and amazingly powerful...try it on, see how it looks.

and she also said this.....................

So are you a role model or a troll model? Do you walk it or just talk it, represent it or you watch as u sit...take the first step, then keep going- you will amaze yourself to find what you are capable of. Love all because you can. Peace in, peace out!

Read more about Paula: Click here

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