Monday, February 10, 2014

Living in the moment

Our busy lives can give us tunnel vision.  We forget about history and repeat past mistakes.  We neglect to think of how what we do now will affect the future.  

It's funny how this total disconnection with the past and future really turned off our metal senses in the present tense. 

Yoga does an excellent job of slowing down our psyche and calming our minds. Even if we cant go to some pretty place to do asana, we can take a Yoga break whenever we have five minutes and the room the do a few poses.

Take a Yoga five or ten-minute break once during your work day 

Focus only on what your doing during that short break-just the motion of the pose and your breath. 

In your Yoga practice, try to live IN the moment, not FOR the moment. 

A Yoga practice means all things, and all moments, are connected. Living IN the moment means loosening the connections between past, present and future, enough so that the present can be appreciated for what it is.

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